(solved) Blank page after install Moodle in http://localhost/user/editadvanced.php problem
(solved) Blank page after install Moodle in http://localhost/user/editadvanced.php problem
When i install moodle
all steps are completed until update profile.
(localhost/moodle/user/editadvanced.php id=2) when i enter admin details
and update file nothing is displayed. when i try to access moodle
module through localhost chrome displays message "web page has a
redirect loop".
localhost/moodle/admin/index.php page is not redirected.
the solution:
Find the moodledata folder.
Inside the moodledata
there are many folders
It worked for me. Hope that works for you.
- Delete all from Cache
- Delete all from Session
It worked for me. Hope that works for you.
another solution:
go to control panel, programs, click on java, security.
set security to medium.
Java security was set to high which was blocking moodle application.
Java security was set to high which was blocking moodle application.